African & African-American in the United States Must Unite, AMEESA


World leaders’ gear efforts on peaceful coexistence, diversity, and inclusion aimed at the unity and harmony of African-Americans in the United States.

H.E. Ambassador Nakiim Bey Global President of the African and Middle-East Economic Sustainability Alliance (AMEESA), in a statement through his Chief Journalist in New York, Mr. Fidelis Onakpoma; averred that global leaders who detest the alarming discrimination and marginalization faced by the Blacks in America have come together to strengthen the alliance with the Pan America Intergovernmental Foundation AMEESA, in ending the menace and building a coexistence society for all.

He said the current and second Black Mayor, Honorable, Eric Adams, of the number one financial capital of the world, the Empire State, New York City, has appointed a majority of an All-Black Cabinet also referred to as the sons and daughters of Mother Africa.

“This shall be a model for all African descendants to advance the economic, social, and political agenda for the advancement of not only civil rights, but also human rights,” he hinted.

Bey alongside Honorable Ambassador Andrew Young, whose contributions predominantly support the black economic agenda, shall irrevocably promote the AMEESA agenda.

Meanwhile, he noted with high regard to Mr. Michael Garner, the Chief Operation Officer of Diversity and Inclusion in the United States of America, stressing that AMEESA’s core value of promoting diversity and inclusion would be greatly imparted through his enormous wealth of experience.

Although Mr. Bey in his continuous effort to guide, and support human rights that address the rights of the people, and their economic, social, and political disparities; has been aligned with the Ambassadors of the United Nation for effective collaboration.

“Wherefore there’s a call to action for Mother Africa, Middle-East, and the Caribbean Islands; we ask you to support one of our son’s of mother Africa. God is with him, and we are all his children of God. America has given us a man of honor and passion from America. Help us unite and diversify our people to solve our problem. “

“Thank you, from all thirty-four countries under his care”, Bey added.

For: Global President AMEESA,
Fidelis Onakpoma,
AMEESA Chief Journalist.
New York, USA.

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